Making a list and checking it twice! 2

Wow!  It’s been over a month since our last post – obviously, I’m going to have to work out a schedule for this blogging thing!

OK, excuses aside, it’s been pretty mundane stuff going on; and lots of it.

  • Ripped out, cleaned and re-bedded all the hatches
  • Emptied the anchor locker, cleaned organized and reloaded with 3 anchors and associated rodes including 200′ of all chain for the primary anchor
  • We finally got all the running rigging done – finished off measuring, ordering and rigging the reefing lines this past Sunday.
  • We cleaned all the teak – 3 times and finally called it done on Monday.
  • Climbed the mast and replaced the port & starboard spreader halyards, replaced and re-rigged the lazy jacks and StackPack (sails), put up the Tri-Color Masthead light, the Windex wind indicator and the Anemometer.
  • Found someone to fix the broken zipper on the dodger this past Monday, so removed all the canvas and drove to Annapolis to have it repaired – the women, Patty, was a God send she not only knew her stuff, but took care of it right on the spot.  She then refused to charge me, because it was “only half a zipper” – After much negotiation, I got her to reluctantly accept $50.
  • I’ve been fussing with the fridge which refuses to drop below 40° – finally dislodged and moved the temperature probe and it seems to be getting there… if final testing proves successful, I’ll permanently relocate probe.
  • Everything we planned to bring from NJ has been retrieved (3 trips) and stowed – All the lockers have been cleaned out, rearranged, organized and packed!
  • All the instruments have gone through initial testing and are set for further testing – can you say “sea trials”?
  • Yesterday I changed the oil, replaced the oil filter, topped off the coolant on the diesel engine (Yanmar), cleaned out the raw water strainer & ordered a replacement light for the compass.
  • This morning, I started the process of changing out the impeller on the raw water pump, but had to order the impeller puller which won’t be in until late Friday.
  • Since I couldn’t proceed as planned, I updated the firmware on the Raymarine multifunction display (chart plotter) instead and ordered the updated charts.
  • 32 more items on the list to go including; fixing the anchor light (tomorrow morning’s task), recommissioning the outboard, making fender boards, recommissioning the life raft, checking the heating system, inventorying the safety equipment, spares & First Aid supplies, checking the bilge pump, the manual bilge pump & the emergency tiller, etc.

No complaints mind you; simply pointing out that it makes for less than thrilling sea tales to share with everyone.

That said, this is all part of the sailing life, and so I’ll be making a serious effort to bring you all the gory details!

Till next time,

Carlos & Maria
SV Rocinante…_/)

Photos – Making a list and checking it twice!

Ripped out, cleaned and rewedded all the hatches

Ripped out, cleaned and re-bedded all the hatches


Anchors & rodes

Emptied the anchor locker, cleaned organized and reloaded with 3 anchors and associated rodes including 200′ of all chain for the primary anchor


Me up the Rocinante's mast

Doesn’t need a caption!


V-Berth is done, including a new Quilt set!

V-Berth is done, including a new Quilt set!


We did take some time to smell the Sage & roses along the way!

We did take some time to smell the Sage & roses along the way!


...and enjoy every gorgeous evening!

…and enjoy every gorgeous evening!

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2 thoughts on “Making a list and checking it twice!

  • Philip Levine

    Ever think of just taking a Caribbean cruise?!?! A whole lot easier!!!

    Enjoy and have great – and safe! – sailings (that is, when you finally get to go sailing!)

    • SVRocinante Post author

      Lol! It does seem like a lot of trouble, but not really… just part of what makes the Sailing Life so appealing to us!

      Stay well!