We sold our home! 6

I wasn’t quite sure how to categorize this post, but then it hit me; if this wasn’t a “lifestyle” post, then nothing was!

We’ve now taken the biggest and hardest step towards full-time cruising – We sold our home in New Jersey!

It was, to say the least, an interesting experience. Unlike your typical move, where you box everything up and go, we’re scaling down to the space available on a 40′ sailboat and had to sort and get rid of 37+ years of STUFF… talk about downsizing!

Having recently helped clear out a dear, deceased friends home, I couldn’t help but notice the similarities and laughed as I thought to myself “and to my dear brother I leave my 50th Anniversary Edition of CLUE”.

Suits, dresses, bicycles, exercise equipment, boxes & boxes of books, tools, furniture, etc., etc., etc. – We sold a bunch of it, donated even more to charity and gave the rest away to family, friends, and in the end, anyone that would take it!

Since it was too late in the season to try and get Rocinante ready, we opted to head down to Florida and wait out the winter. We kept a small (5×10) storage unit in NJ with items we planned on taking aboard and loaded up the rest of the items we wanted to keep into a POD headed for Florida.

We know perfectly well, that we still have a ton of stuff to get rid of, but we’ve decided to do it in stages. Come spring, we’ll head back up to Maryland, empty Rocinante and then start loading her up, making final decisions of what to keep and what has to go as space dictates.

Some items we’ll leave in storage for our first year or two as we figure out what we truly “need” – will we need winter coats? Is the KitchenAid mixer pulling it’s weight? How many Christmas decorations can we put out before it’s “too much”… only time will tell!

Soon enough, Rocinante will feel the pull of her sails, but for now, both you and I will have to enjoy reminiscing about voyages that were and dreaming of voyages that are yet to be!

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6 thoughts on “We sold our home!

  • Lisa Haughton.

    This is an amazing journey. I’m so happy for you both and so pleased to accompany you on your adventures (albeit vicariously). Much love to you both.
    Lisa and Matt.

    • SVRocinante Post author

      Thanks Lisa & Matt – glad that you are part of the memories we take with us of our old home. We’ll get across the pond in a few years and have you aboard our new home!

  • Philip Levine

    Save at least one set of winter cloths!!! We were on the West Coast of Florida last week and so glad we brought with us a winter coat – yes, a winter coat – and we needed it for at least two days. So much for Florida weather in early January!!!

    As to “stuff” – as George Carlin once said, something to the effect that you get rid of all your accumulated stuff, to make room for acquiring more stuff!

    Enjoy the transition period.


    • SVRocinante Post author

      You are so right Phil! Those are two of the many things we learned last time during our 1yr trial of living aboard Rocinante. We needed clothes for all four seasons and any empty space tended to create some sort of “stuff” vacuum – and we all know that nature abhors a vacuum!

  • Bill and Denise

    Roc and A, so happy for you both. Many moons ago sold the house left my then partner and wished to do the same as your plans. Ended up as a diving instructor in the caribbean, will now look forward to living out my dreams with Rocinatate and yourselves. Happy and safe sailing on your new wonderful adventure.
    Bill and Denise

    • SVRocinante Post author

      Thanks Bill and Denise!

      Looking forward to getting to your part of the world in a few years and more importantly, meeting you two in person.
      BTW, we loved the pictures you posted of your roadtrip – Ada & I instantly commented on how much it resembled our preferred cruising stops – no glitzy Marinas for us, we too prefer the more out of the way places!

      till next time,
      Carlos & Maria
      AKA Albert & Ada
      AKA Roc & Ada 😜